印尼憲法法庭裁定海岸暨小島管理法違憲無效為捍衛遭財團商業化(HP3)的海岸及小島取得權,印尼小型漁民聯合數個非政府組織(NGOs)聲請2007年頒布之租房子海岸暨小島管理法十四條款釋憲,並已於近日遭裁定違憲無效。大法官指出,該引爆獨厚大財團的爭議法案明顯違反印尼憲法第三十三條「自然資源之開發應禮服以創造人民最大福祉為宗旨」。(摘譯自INFOFISH Trade News, No. 12/2011,1 July 2011)COURT CANCELS ARTICLES ON COAST LAWThe Constitutional 東森房屋Court of Indonesia ruled recently that 14 articles in the 2007 law on coastal andsmall islands management were no longer valid because 酒店打工they violated the country’s Constitution.The ruling was in favour of the petitioners, comprised of several NGOs and small-scale 膠原蛋白fishermen.The petitioners argued that the law would give “rights” called HP3 to enterprises with power andconsiderable wealth to take 當鋪over coastal areas and small islands while preventing small fishermenand locals from accessing the areas. The court panel said Article 33 售屋網in the Constitution guaranteedthat natural resources should be used for “the people’s prosperity to the greatest extent possible”.The 酒店打工14 contended articles in the law, however, would give more access to big companies with bigcapital and more technology and would sideline 貸款the people’s rights, the court decided.

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